Subscribe to AI & U Newsletter (Home Page - 2024)

AI, digital tools, emerging technology – it's a minefield out there.

In this overwhelming world of information, where much of it is irrelevant or overly complex, finding trustworthy, practical advice can be a challenge.

That's where I come in.

'AI & U: Business Insights' is here to cut through the clutter. Every week you will receive the most pertinent and actionable AI insights, in a format that any business owner can easily understand and apply. Based on extensive research for my upcoming book 'AI & U', and featuring insights from leading experts, this newsletter is your indispensable guide for navigating AI in today's business world.

As a multi award winning author and recognised APAC authority on AI & digital tools for business, my goal is to guide you through the AI maze with clarity and purpose, making it accessible for practical business use.